Thursday, October 4, 2018

WITS: Of course it comes down to food!

In Genesis we see Eve's thought process as she approaches the forbidden fruit, and the steps reveal quite a lot about her character, and about the nature of the female psyche.

It was a few years into marriage and motherhood before I realized, "My entire life revolves around food!" Not just three times a day seeking out personal nourishment, but many of us are responsible for feeding a husband and possibly a houseful of kids too. Then there are the snacks. Heaven knows every kid needs them. Grown-ups too. We start planning our days around having just the right stash for whatever need may arise. But it doesn't stop there. Oh, no. Not only are we consuming and preparing food, we shop for it too! We make meal plans, we budget, and then we make impulse purchases, because, well, here we are at the store, and we're starving, and look what's on display, look what they're sampling at Costco, look what's on sale! It is a constant focus, ever present in the back of our minds even when we're not conscious of it.

So what was Eve's first response to the serpent's wily questions: "It was good for food." This makes perfect sense to me. Will it feed my family? Will it help me get dinner on the table faster? Done.

Her next rationale is pretty good too. Actually, it's amazingly forward-thinking and insightful. She wanted to be like the gods. She wanted the gift of discernment between right and wrong, good and evil. She wanted her eyes opened to spiritual matters and knowledge and wisdom and understanding.

Even if our first impulse is to open our mouths, "It looks good for food," let our next impulse always be, "I want to be like God. Open my eyes and my heart to greater knowledge and wisdom."

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