Saturday, September 30, 2017

BOMT: Don't Leave Me Out of the Plan! I'm Opting In!

Alma 34

This is another chapter I encountered on my daily quest through the Topical Guide, my core curriculum on Christ. I read the prescribed verse in the topical guide (Alma 34:8 "He shall atone for the sins of the world"), scanned the surrounding verses for context, and was completely enthralled as though I were reading it all again through fresh eyes (even though I've probably read it a hundred times before.)  I found three instances of Chiasmus (Hebrew poetry form that repeats itself in reverse like an X, with the most crucial part of the message at its core); and I also discovered THE KEY to opting into (or out of) the great plan of happiness.  

Here we go:

Another stunning discovery in my quest for spiritual growth is how essential it is to turn a corner and repent of wrongdoings. Honestly, sometimes I forget about repentance. If I haven't done something seriously wrong, it kind of falls off my radar screen. But two scriptures in Alma 34 completely changed my perspective on this:

In verse 16 it says:

"...Mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption.

Without faith unto repentance (the kind of faith that brings you to your knees and  brings about a change of heart) Mercy no longer has us in its grasp. The next line is even stronger and more clear: "only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption."

In other words, No repentance = No plan.

That's right, the amazing plan that our Father in Heaven presented to us before we ever came to earth, the plan to bring us back home to him someday, glorified and exalted, the plan which prophets have called "The Great and Eternal Plan of Redemption," "The Great Plan of Happiness," "The Great Plan of Mercy," "The Plan of Restoration," "The Great Plan of Salvation,"...that's right—a plan so big and important and powerful and loving no single title even does it justice—that plan has no effect in our lives if we're not exercising faith and repenting. 

Why did I never notice that before? It's the key to everything. Believe. Repent. Or you're not even part of the plan.

Thank heaven in verse 31 there's some hope for those of us who are a little slow to catch on.

"...if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you."

That is so cool! Just when we thought it was too late and we are completely locked out of the plan...all we have to do is repent, and immediately the whole plan takes effect in our lives. We're back in! 

It's so simple. But so hard.

So of course as soon as I learn this concept, I'm given extra opportunities to repent. That's always the way it works, isn't it?

I offended a good friend. (And who knows how many others who didn't speak up?) I had a student confess a wrongdoing that made me feel guilty just by osmosis. I snapped at my husband. I got impatient with other drivers. I dropped balls. 

Here's what I learned. Repenting is hard. But it's easier than it is in our minds when we feel it looming on the horizon. And it's easier than procrastinating that hard conversation, that apology, that confession, the resolve to improve. It's definitely easier than carrying the weight and the burden of the errors and mistakes. And for sure it's better and easier than being ejected from the great plan of happiness. That would be horrible! 

So I'm opting in. I want to be part of the great eternal plan of mercy, redemption and love. I choose to exercise my faith. I choose to repent. I choose happiness.

QUESTION: How do you make repentance a part of your daily life?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

BOMT Am I A Prayer Slacker? or Will I Rip Open My Heart?

I have prayed every day of my life for as long as I can remember. I've kept a prayer journal (off and on) to record my answers, which have never failed to come, and have at times established a deep connection with God (other times more habitual, with sort of a bungee cord connection.) I have never thought of myself as a prayer slacker. And yet this list from Alma gives me pause.

Right now I have a two-year goal for exponential spiritual growth (to match, in part, the growth our son is experiencing on his mission.) I love the spiritual depth and power I experienced years ago as a missionary, and am longing to once again stretch myself spiritually. One step toward that goal is to deepen my prayers.

What wonderful timing to discover this extensive list of how, where and what to pray for in Alma 34. Since I have no flocks or fields, I decided to reinterpret the list through a more contemporary lens. Here's my take on Alma's list:

  • Pray to be treated with kindness and generosity, ask to be forgiven. (And, as a corollary, pray to treat others the way you would want to be treated.)
  • Humble yourself(See yourself in relation to God, rather than comparing yourself to other people. Express gratitude. Acknowledge His role in your life.)
  • Continue to pray (When you think you're finished praying, pause, search your soul, and then keep going. Go deeper. Establish daily rhythms of prayer that you follow on a continual basis. Never take a break from this essential habit of connecting with God.)
  • Pray about work, pray at work and during work (for me as an artist and art teacher, this means to pray about the subjects I'm going to paint and for my work on those paintings, pray in my studio and pray in the very act of painting, pray before I teach and for those I teach.)
  • Pray at home, for your family, morning, mid-day and evening (and not just a recited blessing over the food at these times, but a heartfelt, meaningful prayer offered up in united faith, asking a blessing for each member of the family specific their needs.)
  • Pray for protection (This could refer to safety of course, but also to protection from wrongdoers who could take advantage of us in business, or protection from our own tendencies to underperform and live beneath our calling and privilege as children of God.)
  • Pray to resist temptation (Sometimes we know what are weaknesses are and can be actively watching out for them. Other times they catch us completely off guard—"Did I just say that?" "I can't believe I did that." Either way we need the strength to resist doing things we'll later regret. And suddenly I'm seeing a connection to resisting foods I'll later regret eating. That's a temptation too.)
  • Pray that our work will prosper (It's okay to ask not just that we'll do our best, but that it will achieve the desired results and recognition. It's okay to ask for abundance in our lives.)
  • Pray for increase (a raise? a bigger family? some improvement in our own ability or performance? It's okay to ask for what we have to increase.)
  • Pour out your soul in private, and in nature (I actually do this often. Walking (or sitting quietly and reflecting) in nature is one of my favorite ways to commune with God.)
  • Pray with a full heart, drawn out in continual prayer (Don't ever allow yourself to disconnect from the Source of all your love, light and blessings.)
When I think of praying with a full heart, I'm reminded of a favorite hymn in Spanish: Secreta Oración. In English I don't even like this hymn..."There is an Hour of Peace and Rest." The chorus "May my heart be turned to pray, Pray in secret day by day" is a bit repetitive and bland. But in Spanish the chorus Rendiré mi corazon en secreta oración translates as "I will rip open my heart in private prayer." And in the wonderful Spanish wards and branches where I served as a missionary, the people sing this with ánimo, with passion and energy and with their whole hearts. Such an inspiration. They sing as though they are counting on the gift of prayer to grant them a deep connection with the heavens, as the rest of the chorus promises. I think that's how we should approach prayer.

And then there's one more piece of advice on prayer Alma gives us, and it's a bit surprising.
  • Be excessively, unfailingly kind...or else. If we do all this praying, no matter how earnest, but then fail to take care of the poor and the sick and the troubled, then our prayers don't even count, have no effect. Without charity in our hearts, nothing else matters.
Okay, it's official. I'm a slacker. But I'm working on it and improving.

QUESTION: How do you make prayer a more vibrant part of your life?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

BOMT: Patterns of Praise

I was doing my morning scripture study going through the subheads on Christ in the Topical Guide. When I read these scriptures I typically scan the verses before and after for context. When I read 2 Nephi 9:7, in scanning for context I got completely sucked in and studied the whole chapter when I discovered a series of patterns where certain phrases were repeated over and over again. (This falls under ‘Single out Specifics’). The words Joy and Rejoice are words I typically single out and circle when I’m studying. The other patterns I had never really noticed before.

Regarding the Infinite Atonement: 
The merciful plan of the great Creator includes the Power of Resurrection (resurrection accomplished via priesthood power; Christ holds the keys) It also refers to this Power of Resurrection in 2 Nephi 10:25 and Jacob 4:11. 

Jacob's praise to the Lord when he witnesses and understands the plan: (I speak unto you these things that ye may rejoice, and lift up your heads forever, because of the blessings) — I’m interested in this because culturally we often don’t  offer up a lot of praise.  

(For more on the topic of praise within families, check out this post about teenage anger on my other blog, Divergent Pathways.)

O the wisdom of God, his mercy and grace! (v8)
O how great the goodness of our God (who prepareth a way for our escape)! (v10)
O how great the plan of our God! (v13)
O the greatness and the justice of our God!  (v17)
O the greatness of the mercy of our God, the Holy One of Israel! (v19)
O how great the holiness of our God! (v20)

He also has great disdain for Satan and his followers. He sees how treacherous our mortal experience is: 

O the cunning plan of the evil one! (v28)
O the vainness and the frailties and the foolishness of men!  

He gives these warnings: 

Wo unto the rich (for because they are rich they despise the poor) (v30)
Wo unto the deaf that will not hear (v31)
Wo unto the blind (v32)
Wo unto the uncircumcised of heart (uncircumcised refers to covenant making, so this would mean those who avoid or devalue their covenants with Christ) (v33)
Wo unto the liar (v34)
Wo unto the murderer (who kill deliberately) (v35)
Wo unto those that worship idols (v36)
Wo unto all those who die in their sins  (v37)

Then he continues pleading with his brethren (members of the church) to return and remember: 

O my beloved brethren, remember the awfulness of transgressing. Remember to be carnally-minded is death, and to be spiritually minded is life eternal.  (v39)

O my beloved brethren, give ear to my words. Remember the greatness of the Holy One of Israel. (v40)

O then my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. (v41)

O my beloved brethren, remember my words. (v44)

O my beloved brethren, turn away from your sins; shake off the chains of him that would bind you fast; come unto that God who is the rock of your salvation. (v45)

Come, my brethren, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters...come buy wine and milk without money and without price. (v50)

Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice.  (v52)

He concludes with more rejoicing, praising the work of the Lord:

How great the covenants of the Lord, and how great his condescensions:…his greatness and his grace and mercy. (v53)

Here he whets their appetite for more, but is careful not to overwhelm them in a single session/chapter:

And now, my brethren, I would speak unto you more, but on the morrow I will declare unto you the remainder of my words.

I have to add that in reading some of these verses I was so moved by the spirit that I was completely overcome, I felt those feelings of joy and gratitude and awe and was choking back tears. Searching for patterns like this and really asking yourself what is happening, what is important here really opens you up to be taught by the spirit.

QUESTION: What has moved you recently from the scriptures?